
The Western European Association of Hungarian Country Organizations (Hugarian name: Nyugat-Európai Országos Magyar Szervezetek Szövetsége or NYEOMSZSZ; Swedish name: Västeuropeiska Ungerska Riksföreningars Förbund) is a non-profit, non-partisan organisation registered in Sweden. (registration number: 802411-5159)

The organisation promotes cooperation between its member organisations. It also promotes any charitable or cultural purpose for the benefit of the public, in particular the advancement of education by supporting the teaching of the language, history and geography of Hungary; the advancement of arts, culture and heritage by teaching and celebrating the traditions and customs of Hungary.

NYEOMSZSZ acts as an umbrella organisation for other country organisations in Europe where there is a Hungarian diaspora with its own country organisation. Currently it has 17 members from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Holland, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.